Review of PCB from PCBWay: omni-wheel robot circuit


Finally, my robot worked well as shown in this video.

Control omni-wheel robot remotely #robot
This project is supported by PCBWay.音楽: Urban Big Beatミュージシャン: AlexGuzURL:

PCBWay thankfully supports this project.


I ordered PCB Assembly service since I don’t have an equipment to solder components.

The followings are top and bottom view of the assembled circuit and the one before assembled.

Top view
Bottom view

My impression on the printed board is as follows.

  1. The holes are neatly milled.
  2. The pads are etched nicely (Even if I scratched a bit with my nails, it is not damaged).
  3. All the parts are placed in the correct places.
  4. The pin headers are soldered straight. (It took fairly long time for me to solder them straight previously when I do this process manually.)
  5. The silkscreens’ characters are easy to read (One of them is covered by a via but this is my design problem).
  6. Soldering quality is also nice.
  7. There is no issue in testing my PCB, which means that there is no soldering or placement problem.
1. Hole
2. Pads
4. Pin header
5. Silkscreen
6. Soldering quality
6. Soldering quality

As shown in this article, the circuit board can be used as an omni-wheel robot after full assembly.

Fully assembled omni-wheel robot


The fee for the order was $137.51.

Additionally, the shipping fee was ¥2,780 (≒ $18.3).

In total, the fee was $155.81.


The package is delivered and there was some cushioning material to protect the boards.

PCBWay package
Dec 2ndPlaced an order
Dec 7thReady for payment (the review is finished)
Dec 9thConduct payment
Dec 26thPCBWay shipped the PCB
Dec 27thReceived the PCB

The board reached within 25 days. It is pretty early and amazing.

Design review from PCBWay

The followings are reviews from PCBWay. Thanks to the inquiries, my PCB worked nicely.

Q. If vias are included in pads, it is recommended to make vias filled with resin but it increases the price about $125. Do you accept the filling?
A. No. In order to avoid price increase, I move vias out of pads (redesign was done).

Via on a pad: design which should be avoided

Q. The distance between the IC pads < 0.22mm for 1oz need. Which option do you prefer?
  1.accept No solder mask bridge
  2.choose Green color solder mask,so the distance can be min 0.2mm
  3.widen the IC pads distance to 0.22mm
A. I accept 1 (No solder mask bridge).

The distance between pads


There are some other articles reviewing PCBWay.


I am satisfied the circuit board produced by PCBWay in terms of the quality and delivery speed. I recommend PCBWay as an outstanding PCB manufacturer.
