Omni-wheel robot PCB redesign


In the previous article, I found out there were some mistakes on the PCB of an omni-wheel robot. Here, I present the PCB design modification. My works is supported by PCBWay.

Connect nSLEEP PIN of DRV8837 to HIGH

As the following date sheet shows, I needed to input HIGH to the nSLEEP PIN in order to activate the DRV8837 motor driver.

The left-side circuit is the original one and the right-side shows the modified circuit.


Do not use the config mode of IMU

I designed a switch between “config” and “operation” modes in the previous circuit. However, we usually do not use the config mode, so I delete the switch.


Reverse polarity protection (not add this time)

I decided not to add reverse polarity protection because

  • The LDO regulator LT1963 (datasheet) has reverse current protection
  • The motor driver DRV8837 (datasheet) has overcurrent protection
  • Counter-measures for reverse polarity protection cause the voltage drop or need to add a fuse, and we need to replace a fuse when someone misconnects a battery.

There are two major methods to protect reverse polarity. The first one is using schottky diode, and the other is using a P-MOSFET (reference). The latter method results in a smaller voltage drop, but either method results in a voltage drop.

For our usecase, the P-MOSFET should satisfy the following conditions, and ChatGPT recommended AO3401A.

ItemConditions should be satisfied
Maximum Drain CurrentAt least 6A
On-Resistance50mΩ or less (to achieve a forward voltage drop of 0.3V or below)
Gate Drive VoltageMust reliably work at 3.7V (Lipo Battery 1-Cell)
Package3-Terminal P-MOSFET

Furthermore, there is a way to add a fuse and a diode in the reverse direction. In this case, we must replace the fuse when someone connects a battery incorrectly.

Widen screw holes

The holes at the center were too small for M3 screws. Thus, I widen them.

Before: diameter 1.2mm
After: diameter 3.1mm

Reverse the motor PIN direction

Previously, the cables for motors needed to be twisted because of the PIN direction. I fix the direction by PCB design.

Before: cable twisted

Finalized design


Main circuit
Motor driver circuit

PCB design

I have redesigned the PCB while keeping the following in mind.

  • Place components on the PCB to avoid crossing traces.
  • Motor drivers are located at the back layer.
  • Spaced the components sparsely to make it easier to place vias.
Revised PCB design

Ordered material

gerbers data

Setting for export
Exported files

centroids data

Setting for export
An exported file



Wrote an article on PCB design modification. Hope these changes make a robot work.
