Electronics Remote controller design with ESP32-WROVER-B I summarized the design of a remote controller with ESP32. My goal is to create the one that controls an omni-wheel rob... 2024.03.31 Electronics
Electronics Generate 3.3V from 3.7V 1s LiPo battery for ESP32 More than I expected, generating 3.3V from 3.7V seems difficult and there is no standard way. There are a bunch of disc... 2024.03.17 Electronics
Electronics Utilize a symbol and footprint from SnapMagic on KiCad By following the procedure described in this article, you can use a symbol and footprint from SnapMagic on KiCad. Ge... 2024.03.03 Electronics
Electronics Write Arduino code to ESP32-WROVER-B pitch conversion board I have summarized the functionality of each circuit component of ESP32-DevKitC V4 board in the previous article. This a... 2024.02.03 Electronics
Electronics Understand the ESP32-DevKitC V4 board schematic Overview ESP32-DevKitC V4 Getting Started Guide ESP32-DevKitC V4 schematic As a beginner of learning circuit b... 2024.01.06 Electronics
Control Reading encoder values of GA12-N20 motor and PI velocity control through STM32 Read encoder values We use a GA12-N20 motor whose PPR (pulse per revolution) is $7$ (ref). The velocity of a motor i... 2023.11.12 ControlElectronics
Electronics H-Bridge motor control with STM32 Using the h-bridge circuit, we rotate a motor in the clockwise and counter-clockwise direction. In the previous article... 2023.09.17 Electronics
Electronics Simple motor control with STM32 microcontroller Outcome is this! Experimental environment The machine spec and motor information are described in the table... 2023.09.03 Electronics
Robot Wheel and motor selection for omni-wheel robot The articles in the past explain the following. Introduction of the dynamics of an omni-wheel robotLQR controller im... 2023.08.08 Robot
Electronics esp32 (arduinoベース) でモータのエンコーダ値を読み、rpm に変換する Motor in use 今回は、以下のモータを使用します。RobotShop というオンラインショップにお世話になりました。 Board connection 4.8V の電源をモータの電源ケーブルに印加し... 2023.06.18 ElectronicsSoftware